

Product knowledge


Equip your front line employees with the knowledge they need to excel in their roles by enrolling them in the Jewelry and Watch Masterclass. This comprehensive course covers the fundamentals of both jewelry and watches, including how to identify the quality of stones and metals, different types of stones, and the basics of jewelry and watch design.
The Jewelry and Watch Masterclass is designed to keep your employees engaged and interested. They will be able to test their knowledge, ensuring that they have retained the information and are ready to apply it in their roles. With a knowledgeable and engaged workforce, your employees can provide exceptional customer service, elevating your boutique’s performance.
Investing in your employees’ knowledge is a smart investment in the success of your boutique. The Jewelry and Watch Masterclass can help promote a culture of continuous learning and development, increasing employee satisfaction and promoting a positive work environment. Sign up today for the Jewelry and Watch Masterclass and see the difference it can make for your business


Skills covered in this course